The S.C. Arts Commission. But better.
Tuesday, Sept. 3, the South Carolina Arts Commission will implement a new constituent service model designed to upgrade your service experience.
Program directors and coordinators on the Arts Commission’s team will be assigned to specific lines of service or programs and provide targeted help to South Carolina’s:
- artists,
- community arts providers,
- educational institutions and arts education providers,
- and local communities and non-arts groups.
“Having come to the arts commission from the role of a grantee lets me see some ways we can position ourselves to provide better constituent service,” said Executive Director David Platts.
“We don’t want our constituents in a situation where they talk to three people before finding the right person to help them. These upgrades, along with being fully staffed again, make us even more responsive and efficient.”
“These upgrades, along with being fully staffed again,
make us even more responsive and efficient.”
David Platts
As the new SCAC website was designed to serve visitors based on how they engage with the site, so too is this new service model.
Previously, the county coordinator system connected constituents with staff based on location. Now, constituents can elect to seek advisement or assistance from professionals in these primary lines of service (and more):
- Grants
- Artist Development & Services
- Arts Education
- Community Arts
- Folklife & Traditional Arts
- Visual Arts
The full list will be available on the “Staff” page of on Tuesday morning.
Callers to the Arts Commission main number (803.734.8696) will be greeted with similar new options for connecting with our team.