Beaufort County artists in the spotlight during SC Humanities Festival
The annual South Carolina Humanities Festival, taking place in Beaufort County June 9 – 11, will showcase the area’s arts, culture and history. Beaufort native James McTeer, winner of the First Novel Prize, will share the inspiration for his book, Minnow, and Verner Award recipient Marlena Smalls and Folk Heritage Award recipient Anita Singleton Prather (both Beaufort artists) will join forces with Hilton Head’s Voices of El Shaddai choir for “The Music and Voices of the Sea Islands.” Arts, cultural and educational organizations from Beaufort to Bluffton and Hilton Head, including the Beaufort Arts Council, the Beaufort Film Society, and USC-Beaufort Center for the Arts will present lectures, films, tours, art shows, exhibits, performances and more around the theme of community collaboration.
Find registration information and a complete schedule online.
About the South Carolina Humanities Festival
Every year, SC Humanities sponsors the Humanities Festival in a community in South Carolina. Started in 1993 in honor of the Council’s 20th Anniversary, the Humanities Festival has been held in 18 different South Carolina cities. Each festival celebrates the local history and culture of the host community, engaging the citizens in lectures, discussions, films, and exhibits and facilitating partnerships between cultural organizations and community groups.