Arts Daily / Town Theatre’s The Play That Goes Wrong

Town Theatre’s The Play That Goes Wrong

Don’t miss the comedy hit, The Play That Goes Wrong. This play-within-a-play is often called a “hilarious hybrid of Monty Python and Sherlock Holmes.” Allow us to set the stage… It’s opening night of The Murder at Haversham Manor, a production of the Cornley Drama Society. Things are not going according to plan. With a corpse who can’t play dead, an unconscious leading lady and accident-prone actors who fall over everything (including their lines), the show is quickly moving from bad to disastrous. Murphy’s law is in full effect. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong. But, in the end, this chaotic mess is sure to leave the audience in stitches. The show runs Jan. 27 to Feb. 12 with 7:30 p.m. performances Thursdays through Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sunday matinees.