Arts Daily / The Summer of Twilight Film Series: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2
The Summer of Twilight Film Series: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2

Charleston Music Hall is thrilled to announce The Summer of Twilight Film Series! Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. from May 30 through June 27, we will be screening a Twilight Film. These iconic films were originally released between 2008 and 2012 but have made a resurgence of late, and we are here for it! When you arrive at the theatre, you can either enter through the Team Jacob door or the Team Edward door – our staff seems to be split down the middle.
And for all of you Twihards, our very own Leah Valentine will be leading trivia before every film from 6:30 to 7, so arrive early to show off all your Twilight knowledge and maybe win some fun prizes.