Arts Daily / Stories From A Big Chair – Interwoven

Stories From A Big Chair – Interwoven

Engage with our exhibitions during a free wine reception from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the main gallery and engage with the power and craft of storytelling beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Brown Pavilion. Limited seating for storytelling; reserve your chair for $10.

Join our guest speakers as we share perspectives, build points of connection, and unearth the wisdom and inspiration amongst us. Exploring the meaning of “Interwoven” from their perspectives will be Kaminer Haislip, silversmith; Madame Magar, indigo artist; Dr. Walter Curry, local author; and a mystery speaker. In a supportive space where people can listen and be heard …the voice of human experience guides the evening. Where will it take us?