Primal Disposition II: Dual Dilemma

Call For Artists!
Heaven/Hell, Yin/Yang, masculine/feminine, positive/negative, light/dark, split identities, God/Devil, fire/ice, earth/water, love/hate, young/old, and following the ancient axiom: “As Above So Shall It Be Below,” Primal Disposition II: Dual Dilemma seeks to showcase works of art that deal with the concept of Duality that are are raw, dark, religious, emotive, primitive, earthen, sexual, sensory, confrontational, instinctual. We are also looking for work that is primal in the materials used: foundational, basic, primary, elemental, and/or not of this world… For
Full Details and to Apply:
Exhibit will take place from 10/8/22- 11/13/22 at Vestige Concept Gallery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.