Arts Daily / Presentation by SC Quilter Louise Veverka: Pieces to Pieces, Blocks to Blocks
Presentation by SC Quilter Louise Veverka: Pieces to Pieces, Blocks to Blocks

We’re celebrating textiles throughout March at the Horry County Museum! Join us March 13 at 2 p.m. for a presentation by local quilter Louise Veverka.
Ever wonder what those quilters are talking about when they use words like “flimsy,” “sandwich,” “batting and backing,” “sashing and cornerstones,” or even the letters HST, WOF, LOF? This program is an introduction to quilt blocks, how they are constructed from pieces, and the language used by quilters; along with piecing names that go into the standard blocks used to construct the quilt top. Topics will include Half Square Triangles, Strips, and Square in a Square; and what it takes to make a “Log Cabin,” “Courthouse Steps,” and “Cathedral Windows.”