Arts Daily / Play Auditions at Trustus Theatre
Play Auditions at Trustus Theatre

Monday and Tuesday, July 17 and 18, at 6:30 p.m.
This audition is a large group audition for non-musical plays for our 2023/2024 season: Stupid F##king Bird, Blues for an Alabama Sky, POTUS, and Exit, Pursued by a Bear. Those auditioning will have the option to choose the shows they are interested in on their audition paperwork. A resume and headshot are recommended, but not required. Those auditioning need only attend one night of auditions, not both. Those auditioning must be 18 years of age or older by the first rehearsal. Please prepare a 1-2 minute monologue from a contemporary piece. Callbacks will take place for individual shows on an as-needed basis.