Opening Reception: Making Time by Daisy McClellan

Redux hosts the opening reception of Daisy McClellan’s Making Time, February 2 from 5 to 8 p.m. For this series, McClellan challenged herself to complete one piece per day for one month. Oftentimes taking the time to make art is put on the back burner in anyone’s busy life, so this was a commitment to make some time for creativity every day; no matter how full the day is. To simplify the experiment, McClellan limited herself to just one fiber art technique, punch needle, as well as a rule of only using supplies she already had on hand. Some of these pieces were made in the car on road trips, in bed late at night while her children slept, on work lunch breaks, and squeezed in between drop-offs and meetings. The goal was to create mini moments of meditation and creativity wherever and whenever she could.