Arts Daily / Midlands Light Opera Society presents Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe

Midlands Light Opera Society presents Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe

Why did Iolanthe go to live at the bottom of a stream? See the show to find out!

Midlands Light Opera Society is pleased to present Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta Iolanthe September 27-29. The Queen of the Fairies (Felicia Torres) has just pardoned Iolanthe (Evelyn Clary), whom she had exiled for 25 years for having married a mortal. Iolanthe spent her banishment at the bottom of a pond, so she could be near her half-fairy and half-mortal son, Strephon (Terry Artis), who is engaged to Phyllis (Christi Pirkle).

Performances will be at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 3 p.m. Sunday. All performances will be in Bennett Hall at First Christian Church (2062 N Beltline Blvd, Columbia; enter through the double doors under the driveway).

Tickets to Iolanthe on sale now!

Photo credit Alex Mabrey and Kim Foil