Live at Firefly: Sounds of the Lowcountry
American jazz may have been born in New Orleans, but the South Carolina Lowcountry was arguably one of its early incubators. One of the greatest influences on jazz history in the Holy City was the Jenkins Orphanage Band, producing jazz greats such as William “Cat” Anderson, Jabbo Smith and Freddie Green. Based on the rhythms of the Gullah/Geechee Culture, that Lowcountry Swing can be found in favorite tunes like “Corner Pocket,” “Tuxedo Junction,” “A Night in Tunisia,” and the music of Porgy & Bess. From Ragtime to Broadway and everything in between, the Charleston Jazz Orchestra will explore the Sounds of the Lowcountry with guest vocalist Zandrina Dunning. Charleston Jazz has adapted its season to offer each performance twice: virtually, then live outdoors at Firefly Distillery in North Charleston (featuring a smaller group of musicians and following social distancing guidelines). Sounds of the Lowcountry will have its virtual premiere October 17th at 7:30 p.m.; and a live performance at Firefly, October 23rd at 6 p.m.