Arts Daily / KNITFITI Call to Knitters, Crocheters and Fiber Artists
KNITFITI Call to Knitters, Crocheters and Fiber Artists
KNITFITI is coming to Gateway Park in Clemson! Knitters, crocheters and fiber artists, your all-natural fiber pieces are needed by The Arts Center of Clemson, The City of Clemson Parks and Recreation Department, and City Arborist Tony Tidwell, who are teaming up to create this project. The fiber pieces will be sewn together, then wrapped around the trees to create a colorful and festive immersive public art installation that celebrates art and nature. The works will be installed October 3rd from 10 am to 4 pm (rain date: October 4th). Bring your pieces to The Arts Center, and find out more about knitfiti, community fiber creating events, and how you can be involved.