Arts Daily / Diane Moro: Vintage Quilts

Diane Moro: Vintage Quilts

We’re celebrating textiles throughout March at the Horry County Museum! Join us March 28 at 1 p.m. for a presentation by local quilter Diane Moro as she shares the stories behind vintage quilts from her personal collection.
Diane grew up on a farm and ranch in Northwest Kansas and made her first quilt at the age of seven. She was surrounded by people who quilted and prints were often ordered from Montgomery Ward catalogs that would be ironed on to the quilt top and embroidered. Aunts, cousins, and neighbors would then come together to hand quilt around the quilting frame. One of Diane’s vintage quilts includes a “State Quilt” made in the 1940s. The quilt features the state birds and flowers of the 48 states in the Union at the time.