Arts Daily / CWWY+2: Chesley, Williams, Wimberly, Yaghjian+Yaghjian and Allison
CWWY+2: Chesley, Williams, Wimberly, Yaghjian+Yaghjian and Allison
The foursome of artists Stephen Chesley, Mike Williams, Edward Wimberly, and David Yaghjian join together again this year with Ellen Emerson Yaghjian and Guy Allison to present “CWWY+2,” an exhibition at Stormwater Studios in Columbia, on view February 7th through 16th. CWWY+2: Chesley, Williams, Wimberly, Yaghjian+Yaghjian and Allison is the 16th year for the original group, and the 2nd year for the expanded group. An opening day reception will be held from 5-9pm.