Arts Daily / Columbia Operatic Laboratory’s Four Singers Walk Into a Bar

Columbia Operatic Laboratory’s Four Singers Walk Into a Bar

Columbia Operatic Laboratory is taking their COLab original work, Four Singers Walk Into a Bar, on the road! Mark your calendars for July 25, 2024 at 7 p.m. at The Velo Fellow, 1 Augusta St. Suite 126, Greenville, SC 29601.

Four Singers Walk Into a Bar tells the story of four singers (Maria Beery, Jennifer Mitchell, Craig Allen, and Craig Philip Price), while they walk into a bar to try to pick up dates. As they sing in foreign languages, there is a handy-dandy Narrator (Andrew Skaggs) to provide an English translation with some additional commentary for the operatic absurdity that ensues.

This send-up of operatic tropes features music by Mozart, Puccini, Strauss, and more, played by accompanist Bradley Fuller, and blends it with an original comedic script.