Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival: Nellie Bly

The free Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival presents Nellie Bly, portrayed by Anne Pasquale.
Elizabeth Cochrane, better known as stunt reporter Nellie Bly, understood the importance of selective revelation in order to maintain a well-crafted public persona. Bly was chiefly an inventor and entrepreneur. She had the uncanny ability to identify a need, invent a marketable solution, and sell it. She invented the 55-gallon steel drum, the stackable garbage can, and held 25 patents in her name. Yet it is her initial creation, the persona of Nellie Bly, whose eyewitness stunt reporting established Elizabeth Cochran on the world stage and catapulted her to fame, that provided what little financial security she, and the family to whom she was devoted, knew throughout her lifetime.
7:30 p.m. show
Bring lawn seating. On performance day, look on our Home page for any weather updates.