Arts Daily / Catlett as Catalyst: Tours and Discussion with Columbia SC 63: Our Story Matters
Catlett as Catalyst: Tours and Discussion with Columbia SC 63: Our Story Matters

Sunday, December 11 | 3-5 p.m. | Main Street tour begins at 3:15 p.m.
The stories of our past often intersect in unexpected ways, inspiring discussion of topics we might not otherwise consider related. The partnering of the Art of Elizabeth Catlett: From the Collection of Samella Lewis and European Splendors: Highlights from the Kress Collection provides one of those opportunities. Join us to discuss these concurrent exhibitions through the lens of the Civil Rights Movement in Columbia with conversation led by staff of the Columbia SC 63: Our Story Matters initiative.
Coffee, tea, and snacks provided before and after the tours. Free with membership or admission. Registration required as space is limited.