Arts Daily / AAC Arts & Craft Beer Festival

AAC Arts & Craft Beer Festival

The Arts & Craft Beer Festival fundraiser will feature the beers that are being showcased in our Craft Beer Label Art Exhibit. This event will allow you to not only appreciate the artwork on the labels but also taste the delicious beers brewed by the local breweries. It will be a celebration of creativity, artistry, and of course, great beer.

Featured breweries: Carolina Bauernhaus, Magnetic South, Thomas Creek, Golden Grove, The Southern Growl, Liability, and Voodoo.

We will have live music, Matty’s Pattys food truck, outdoor games, & festival merchandise for sale. Come hang out with the Arts Center!

All proceeds from the Arts & Craft Beer Festival will benefit the operations and programming at the Anderson Arts Center.

November 2, 1-5 p.m.
Anderson Arts Center