Ag + Art Tour announces 2022 return

Via email, the annual South Carolina Ag + Art Tour announced it will take place again in May and June 2022.

No bull! We would not steer you wrong.

Starting the final weekend in May, and every weekend in June, explore the agriculture and artistic heritage of South Carolina through the South Carolina Ag + Art Tour.  This experience is a free, self-guided tour of designated farms in South Carolina, featuring local artisans and farmer’s markets.

The Hub is a fan. (Probably because we really like cows.) So if you live in or near Charleston, Chester, Chesterfield, Colleton, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Lexington, Newberry, Richland, and York counties… get ready! Exact dates and additional details TBA, but for those of you bemoaning, you know, actual winter weather: this is a sign of spring.

Ag + Art Tour is coordinated by Clemson Extension in partnership with organizations in all participating counties.