2019 North Charleston Arts Fest makes big call for artists
The North Charleston Cultural Arts Department is seeking artists in music, theatre, dance, visual art, media art, and literature to participate in the 2019 North Charleston Arts Fest
Good morning. Nothing gets us going in the morning like a big call for art. And a bold roast coffee. This call is big and bold and we brewed it up piping hot. Have a cuppa. – Ed.
Application deadline: Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018

The world-famous Hub Calls for Art Megaphone.
The City of North Charleston Cultural Arts Department is seeking artists in music, theatre, dance, visual art, media art, and literature to participate in the 2019 North Charleston Arts Fest to be held May 1-5 at various venues throughout North Charleston.
National, regional, and local artists, cultural groups, and community organizations are welcome to submit an application to perform on stage or present their talents through programs such as exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations, workshops, and more. The application can be accessed at NorthCharlestonArtsFest.com/apply. Agents submitting applications on behalf of two or more artists or groups should contact the Cultural Arts Department at 843.740.5854 or culturalarts@northcharleston.org for special application instructions.
There is NO fee to apply.
Applications will be accepted through the online submission platform until midnight on Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018. Artists in need of assistance with any part of the application process may contact the Cultural Arts Department to schedule a one-on-one meeting, which can be conducted over the phone or in person.
The North Charleston Arts Fest, now entering its 37th year, is one of the most comprehensive arts festivals in the state, drawing more than 30,000 residents and visitors annually. The festival features a fabulous array of events and activities such as:
- concerts,
- theatre presentations,
- exhibitions and installations,
- children’s programs,
- film screenings,
- workshops and demonstrations,
- and more.
The Arts Fest review panel will select applicants from all art disciplines to create a mix of free and ticketed events that will work well in the available venues and are geared to meet the interests of a cross-section of ages, cultures, and backgrounds. Proposals for new concepts or programs are encouraged.
For more information about the North Charleston Arts Fest and other participation opportunities visit NorthCharlestonArtsFest.com or contact the City of North Charleston Cultural Arts Department office at 843.740.5854 or culturalarts@northcharleston.org.