Introducing Arts Project Support Grants

Quarterly project grants get makeover

Artists and organizations like grants.
The South Carolina Arts Commission likes to give them.

Artists and organizations are happy when grants are easy to get.
The South Carolina Arts Commission likes happy artists and arts organizations.

And everyone is going to like the new structure for what were Quarterly Project Support Grants for artists and organizations, rebooted and now known as Arts Project Support Grants.

So, what’s new? Here are some highlights:

  • MATCHING: Organizations match the grant 1:1 now instead of 2:1
  • DEADLINES: Instead of four quarterly deadlines, how about a rolling deadline? Just apply by at least six weeks before your project begins. And summertime projects can be supported by May 15 instead of Feb. 15.
  • LIMITS: Applications can be submitted simultaneously, for separate projects. (The limit is still two awards per year.)
  • REPORTING: Final report deadlines are individualized for each grantee based on project timeline, one month after end of project but not later than June 1st.
  • TURNAROUND: Technology streamlines the standard timeline to four weeks from submission to notification.

Funding remains up to $1,000 based on project budget and applicant’s ability to match, but these changes are designed to make the grants easier to get and reduce the burden on artists and organizations.

Applications will be accepted beginning March 15! If you have a project that will occur between June 1st and July 1st, you must contact the Grants Office for access to apply.

Learn more by going here.